International Youth River Camp on participatory methods in river basin management

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Type : evenement

Organisateur : IRSTEA et Foundation Pro Terra Engiadina


07/07/2018 - 14/07/2018    
Toute la journée

Engadin National Park
Graubunden, Zernez

Type d’évènement

Chargement de la carte…

The Foundation Pro Terra Engiadina and the French project Partner IRSTEA are hosting an international Youth River Camp within the framework of the EU Project SPARE where you can:
– meet other international young adults aged 18-25
– get to know a participatory process in river basin management and test the related methods
– develop a different view on your river
– become an ambassador for the future of your own river.

During the Youth River Camp, you will:
– get to know an exemplary participatory process
– test and learn the related participatory methods
– apply them in a river basin of your choice
– have field trips to get to know the characteristics and challenges of the Inn river basin in terms of integrated river basin management

The SPARE project partner IRSTEA (French National Research Institute of Science and Technology for Environment and Agriculture) will be responsible for the content and methodological support.

The Camp will take place in Zernez, which is not only the gateway to the National park, but also the geographic center of the Engadin.

Requirements for participation:
– Aged 18-25
– interest in participatory methods and river basin management
– willingness to participate the whole week and to spend approx. 4x half daysbexploring your own river in advance
– ability to follow the course instructions in English
– willingness to become a river ambassador and act for your river in the long term

deadline for application: 15th May, 2018. Please send your CV and letter of motivation to:

This project is a part of the Interreg Project SPARE (Strategic Planning for Alpine River Ecosystems) that aims to gather, analyze and adapt strategic planning approaches in the management of rivers within the Alpine Region, to test innovative participatory methods within selected pilot case areas and to develop and adapt different tools for balancing use and protection of water.