Lisode (Montpellier) – Involving local stakeholders in the development of nature-based solutions in European cities

Employeur : Lisode

Date souhaitée de début du contrat : 17/01/2022

Lieu : Montpellier

Type de contrat : autre

Infos : The internship is addressed to students in masters (M1 or M2). The position is open to a variety of profiles: either a student in social sciences or one with a more technical background. Most importantly, we are looking for someone with the following skills and interests. - Interest for environmental issues/natural resources management - Interest in participative research and open innovation - Fluent in English, any additional language spoken in the project would be an asset (in particular Spanish or Danish) - Good interpersonal skills - Strong writing skills


Lisode is a cooperative consultancy (SCOP) specialised in designing and facilitating participatory processes. We design, animate and evaluate all kinds of projects involving public participation,
whether in territorial management, natural resources management or management of organisations.

We specialise in organising multistakeholder dialogue (from endusers to decisionmakers) on different levels (from local to national) in pursuit of sustainable and consensual solutions. We work in France and internationally in the following domains:

  • Water management
  • Agriculture
  • Urban planning
  •  Territorial planning
  • Fishery
  • Nature reserves management
  • Natural risks and climate change
  • Development of organisations
  • Local democracy

Lisode is a member of NICE project in order to include diverse and relevant stakeholders in the Research & Innovation process to develop NatureBased Solutions in a selection of cities around the
world (mostly in Europe).
Funded within the framework of Horizon2020, NICE project aims to promote the use of naturebased solutions for circular urban water management. The project will generate knowledge for the design and implementation of naturebased solutions with the goal of closing urban water loops. The solutions will capture water, treat it and repurpose it for different uses, while mitigating pollution and runoff.

Building in an extensive analysis of existing naturebased solutions, NICE will develop and test new approaches in labs and ‘Urban Real Labs’ (URLs) located in Vigo, T alavera, Algeciras, Benalmadena, Madrid (all in Spain), Lyon (France), Turin (Italy), Aarhus (Denmark), Gdansk (Poland), Cairo (Egypt) and Pereira (Colombia). NICE naturebased solutions will address all facets of the urban water cycle: wastewater, greywater, river basins, stormwater and combined sewer overflow. The naturebased solutions (NBS) developed in NICE will include green walls, green roofs, rain gardens and hybrid subsurface wetlands, that will then be enhanced with tailored strategies such as bio augmentation and development of innovative reactive media.
An important aspect of NICE project is the participative dimension: local stakeholders are meant to be involved in choosing the exact location for the NBS to be implemented in the city, as well as to contribute to the elaboration of scenarios for upscaling this type of innovations. This dimension of the project is managed by Lisode, with the support of local consultants in a selection of cities.

NICE will last 4 years, from June 2021 to May 2025.

Over that period of time, the participative dimension of the project will be divided in two parts:

part 1: from January 2022 to July 2022 “Collective definition of the local context at URL”, during which Urban Real Labs leaders will have to involve local stakeholders (through workshops and
questionnaires) in defining the local context and choosing the exact location of the NBS to be installed.

part 2: from July 2023 to May 2025 “Scenarios and recommendations for the upscale of innovative NBS”, during which consultants from Lisode team will travel to a small selection of
Urban Real Labs in order to facilitate workshops focussing on how to replicate and extend the NBS installed at the beginning of the project at a larger scale.

Lisode is looking for an intern to assist the project officer in charge of research projects in implementing the first part of the participatory process.


The internship will consist in three steps and three main activities:

1) Training on participative process as part of research & innovation projects. This training will be given by Mathieu Dionnet, cofounder of Lisode, who has been working in the field of public participation for natural resources management in France, Africa and Latin America for about 15 years. This training session is addressed to all partners of NICE in charge of an Urban Real Lab (mostly research centres, universities and startups). The intern will follow the training in order to have a general understanding of Lisode methodology and of the specific approach, territories and tools for NICE projects. The training will take place from January 26 th to January 28th in Montpellier.

2) Assist the project officer in coaching and supervising the project partners in the implementation of the participative process in their site. The training will help them to acquire the knowledge,
methodology and tools to identify and mobilise relevant stakeholders as well as to facilit ate a workshop in their home country. We also plan to follow and support them individually (1 online
coaching session in the weeks following the training). The intern will have to support the project officer in making sure that each local team is following the general framework and help them in the definition and implementation of their strategy. Depending on the intern’s language and facilitation skills, he/she could travel to one or two sites in order to facilitate workshops in Urban Real Labs in Spain or Denmark.

3) Write a final report analysing the local context in each site. At the end of the first part of the participative process, each URL team will have gathered data and information (through a workshop
and questionnaires) to have a comprehensive understanding on the local context, looking at environmental, social, political and legal aspects. This material will be handed over to Lisode by May
2022 in order to write a report presenting the local context in each city.

Conditions d’exercice

  • Compensation: following legal requirements (approximately 550 euros/month).
  • More information on the project:
  • More information about us:

Pour postuler

Please send us a resume and cover letter to Marina Gentle at Interviews will take place between the 16th and the 23rd of December.